вторник, 16 октября 2012
The devil may smile with an angels face
The devil may smile with an angels face
In case you’re interested. I changed things up a bit. NOTE: THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION IS FROM THE NEW DMC GAME.
Centuries before Dante and Vergil were born, when Sparda was Mundus’ most trusted lieutenant, two guns were created in Limbo. Those two guns fell into the hands of Sparda himself, and centuries later they were passed down to Dante.
The two guns, named Ebony and Ivory, were never born from a woman. They were manually created as merely weapons that can be synced perfectly with their wielder. Over the years, the two guns became linked with Sparda, and became magnetic to his demonic power.
Not only did his power become absorbed, but characteristics of Sparda’s personality were absorbed as well, gradually personifying the two pistols.
During the process, the two guns began to talk amongst each other through mute pulses of energy, and they began to observe the behavior Sparda displayed, as well as people he interacted with.
However, this personification was stalled when Sparda was imprisoned, and Eva was killed. Slowly, the intelligence, power, and characters the guns developed began to disappear. Until Dante began to channel his energy through Ebony and Ivory.
Now, the personification process is complete, granting the two pistols unique personalities (and some of Dante’s personality), as well as the ability to shift into their own humanoid form.
понедельник, 15 октября 2012
The devil may smile with an angels face
The devil may smile with an angels face
среда, 10 октября 2012
понедельник, 08 октября 2012
четверг, 04 октября 2012
The devil may smile with an angels face
среда, 03 октября 2012